last Friday God visited my place

laila sania
Mar 9, 2024


I recited His messages loud and clear
in the same room I spelled love on my lover’s bare chest
and learned that God isn’t old-fashioned nor mean
I sat with Him in my prayer attire and tried to offer tea
He only accepted the former
and still presented Himself inside the tea
I admitted to had failed in staying modest
and had my secrets unveiled to His creatures
I knew a guy before I make him my husband
felt the presence of His angels and the bliss
when someone’s son knelt after my body
but God isn’t old-fashioned nor mean
He didn’t say I was weak nor strayed
that night I soaked myself in ablution 
and prayed. He lets me sleep enveloped with 
solace still

art: Doña Gertrudis de Compte y de Bruga, c. 1830, by Vicente López y Portaña

